Gilbery and Gordon

Gilbert & Gordon: Then All The World Could See How in Love We Are

Gilbert & Gordon: Then All The World Could See How In Love We Are is a public participation project with Heritage Open Days that takes its title and inspiration from love letters exchanged between two WWII soldiers, Oswestry-based Gunner Gilbert Bradley and Infantryman Gordon Bowsher.

The project seeks to recognise and celebrate the diversity of love within our communities in 2017 by creating a commemorative diamond ring from the ashes of burned love letters written by members of the public.

In 2018 following a public ceremony the ring will be presented to Oswestry Town Museum to be displayed in the museum’s exhibition for ‘all the world to see’. We hope the ring will serve as a symbol of the diversity of love experienced in 2017 and a tribute to the love Gilbert and Gordon, and many like them, were never legally allowed to express in their lifetimes.

Square Cactus are proud to be working with this inspirational project providing photography and digital marketing support.

To find out more visit:

You can follow the project on Facebook and Twitter


Picture of Ian Holmes
Ian Holmes
Ian Holmes is the founder of Square Cactus and is passionate about his hometown, Blackburn.

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